Protein Acetylation and Ubiquitination Interactions Control MCL1 Protein Stability

The anti-apoptotic myeloid cell leukemia 1 (MCL1) protein belongs to the BCL2 family that supports survival and is frequently amplified or upregulated in human cancers. MCL1 is highly unstable and its stability is regulated by phosphorylation and ubiquitination. Here, the authors suggest that acetylation is another key post-translational modification that regulates MCL1 protein instability. The authors demonstrated that the lysine acetyltransferase p300 targets K40 of MCL1 for acetylation, which is counteracted by the deacetylase sirtuin3 (SIRT3).

Myeloid cell leukemia 1 (Mcl1), a member of the anti-apoptotic bcl2 family, is an important pro-apoptotic factor that plays a key role in inhibiting apoptosis mainly by inhibiting the activity of pro-apoptotic bcl2 family proteins or pro-apoptotic bh-3 proteins. Overexpression or amplification of MCL1 is common in multiple cancer types and is therefore considered to be one of the most relevant oncoproteins. Due to its key pro-survival activity, upregulation of mcl1 largely contributes to the development of chemoresistance. Therefore, understanding the precise molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of MCL1 oncogenic activity is important for finding effective antitumor therapeutics and improving chemosensitivity.

The abundance of MCL1 protein is tightly controlled by transcriptional, post-transcriptional, translational and post-translational mechanisms. Accumulating evidence suggests that multiple growth factors and cytokines induce mcl1 gene expression, multiple microRNAs and lncRNAs control the stability of mcl1 mRNA, and mTORC1 promotes the translation of mcl1 protein. As a unique property, MCL1 protein is very unstable compared to other anti-apoptotic BCL2 family members.

Thus, rapid degradation of mcl1 may provide a mechanism by which cells rapidly commit to apoptosis in response to various intrinsic or extracellular signals. Mechanistically, MCL1 has a unique extended N-terminal region that contains a proline/glutamic acid/serine/threonine (PEST) rich sequence, a common motif in unstable proteins with short protein half-lives. Previous studies have shown that the MCL1PEST sequence contains multiple phosphorylation sites affecting MCL1 ubiquitination. In support of these observations, the stability of mcl1 protein is tightly controlled by ubiquitination, which is achieved through the activity of multiple upstream E3 ubiquitin ligases.

Acetylation is a fundamental type of lysine modification, which controls a variety of biological processes, including protein-protein interactions, transcription, subcellular localization, and enzymatic activity of numerous proteins. In addition, many acetylated targeted non-histone proteins are oncoproteins or tumor suppressors, which are directly involved in tumor initiation, progression and metastasis.

In this study, the authors demonstrated that MCL1 is acetylated by p300, resulting in MCL1 ubiquitination and subsequent reduced MCL1 protein stability, which is counteracted by sirtuin 3 (SIRT3). The enhanced interaction of USP9X with acetylated MCL1 may be a potential molecular mechanism for acetylation-dependent MCL1 stabilization.

In a xenograft mouse model, the authors further confirmed that MCL1 acetylation affects apoptotic evasion of cancer cells and promotes tumor progression. These findings suggest that MCL1 acetylation plays a crucial role in tumor cell survival and acquired chemoresistance, which provides insight into targeting acetylated MCL1 as a potential therapeutic intervention.

Contract Manufacturing: The Tool to Build your Nutraceuticals Brand Successfully

Food-based medicines are at the core of a plethora of cultures spread across the world. The importance of food as medicine is prevalent even today. The only difference is that we call it nutraceuticals.

Derived from plants, animals, and microbial sources, nutraceuticals are available in isolated or concentrated form. Nutraceuticals or food-based supplements can include dietary supplements, nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, prebiotics, probiotics, etc. The primary benefit of nutraceuticals includes effective prevention and adequate treatment of a range of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, chronic inflammatory disorders, cancer, and many more.

A few common examples of nutraceuticals include nano curcumin capsules that contain nano-formulated curcumin and turmeric powder. It helps in managing arthritis, blood sugar levels, joint pain and strengthens the immune system.

Aloe vera extract capsules are another nutraceutical product that contains Vit. A, Vit. B, Vit. C, Vit. E, and folic acid. The capsules help with reducing intestinal problems, lowering blood sugar levels, increasing HDL levels, and improving immunity.

Why Choose Nutraceuticals as your Next Business Idea?

Are you thinking of starting a new business? What about building your brand in the nutraceuticals industry? With the global pandemic of COVID-19, the world has finally understood the importance of nutraceuticals and their usage for treating various diseases & ailments and improving overall health.

1. Incredible Growth Opportunities for Nutraceuticals

According to a research report by Grand View Research, the global nutraceutical market is expected to grow to USD 722.49 billion by 2027, with a CAGR of 8.3% over the same period. With rising health awareness among the world population and the growing trend of choosing sustainable, eco-friendly, and natural products that enhance health and improve immunity, the business of nutraceuticals is a lucrative one.

2. Millennials and their Changing Lifestyles

Experts believe that many reasons signal long-term growth in the nutraceutical industry. Rapid urbanization and the busy schedules of individuals are giving rise to several health issues. On the other hand, millennials now have higher disposable incomes, and people are more aware of wellness-focused diets. Nutraceuticals fit the requirements of millennials who want to reduce health risks the natural way. Thus, they are a profitable investment for businesses.

3. Availability of Third Party/Contract Manufacturing Solutions

Do you want to build a business in the nutraceutical industry successfully? Why become a retailer for someone else when you can create your brand and ensure higher profitability? With modern business solutions such as contract manufacturing, you can deliver quality nutraceuticals products to your customers. There are several contract manufacturers in India; who specialize in third-party manufacturing of clinically proven nutraceutical products.

How to Build a Successful Private Label Nutraceutical Brand?

If you are passionate about health/wellness and want to be a reliable brand in the world of nutraceuticals, why wait to build a production unit? Make the world healthy with contract manufacturing solutions.

When it comes to third-party manufacturing, there are many options available to you. If you have product formulation ready and require manufacturing facilities, the contract manufacturer can help you with it. On the other hand, if you want to sell proven nutraceutical products to your customers, the contract manufacturers also provide a wide range of packaging and labeling options to help you choose. This way, you can take advantage of the growing popularity of health foods even when you do not possess the technical know-how of creating nutraceuticals.

No matter your choice, it is essential to choose an expert contract manufacturer. Here are a few aspects to consider while selecting your third-party wholesale manufacturer for nutraceuticals:

a) Choose an FSSAI-compliant, GMP-certified, ISO-certified, and India Organic-compliant manufacturer who meets the global regulatory and quality standards of production.

b) The manufacturer must ensure a steady supply chain to help you grow the business.

c) Discuss packaging options and understand how you can make the product better for customers.

d) Find out the MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) of the manufacturer. They must provide a smaller batch size so that you can experiment with different packaging options.

Once you have found your contract manufacturing partner, you can decide how to market your products and build a multi-channel marketing strategy to reach more customers. Take time researching different third-party/contract manufacturers, read online reviews, seek product samples, and make a well-thought decision.

The Truth About Umbilical Cord Blood Banking

Umbilical Cord blood banking is a process to collect potentially lifesaving stem cells from the umbilical cord and placenta and store them for future use. They can be used for treating diseases, including leukemia, lymphoma, anemia, and some immune system disorders. If you choose to bank cord blood cells, you’ll need to make arrangements ahead of time, usually about two months before your delivery. Soon after your baby’s birth, a nurse or doctor will collect the cord blood and a segment of the cord and make sure it goes to the facility where it will be processed, frozen, and stored.

Why Choose Cord Blood Banking?

You may consider cord blood banking for several reasons. If your family has a history of disease that can be treated with cord blood, you may consider this option in case your child or another family member develops the condition. You may also choose to bank cord blood in case your child becomes ill, even if you have no family history. You may also choose to donate cord blood to a public bank to help other families.

Limitations of Umbilical Cord Blood Banking

The primary drawback of cord banking is that it is only beneficial in rare situations. The likelihood of a child having an illness that would benefit from properly matched banked cord blood is 1 in 2500, although some experts think it is even less useful than that. Stem cells from cord blood can be used to treat a few diseases. If your child is born with a genetic disorder, the cord blood likely contains the same code that caused the problem in the first place. It cannot be used to treat your child or any other person. Cord blood cells from a healthy infant can be used to treat an ill child, as long as the two are a good match.

The amount of stem cells from a single birth is enough to treat a child or young adult. Full-grown adults typically need more stem cells than are available in cord blood, though it is possible to combine stem cells from more than one birth. Additionally, the efficacy and safety of storing cord blood long enough for a child to become an adult have not been proven.

Cord Blood Banking Options

If you choose to bank cord blood, you can choose a public or private bank. Public banks operate much like blood banks. Public banks screen donors to rule out disorders or infections that could be passed to a recipient. A public bank will likely ask for a family medical history from both you and your baby’s father. You might need to provide a blood sample the day after you give birth. Your baby will not need to give a blood sample. Public banks do not charge a fee to collect or store cord blood. Private Banks keep cord blood cells in reserve in case your child or other family member needs it. They generally charge $1,000 to $2,000 for collecting cord blood at the time of delivery, and then charge a yearly storage fee of about $100.

Choosing the Best Tanning Lotions for Tanning Beds

With so many tanning lotions available, it can be a little confusing trying to choose the right products to use in the tanning bed. To narrow it down, make sure to take a look at the ingredients and think about what you are trying to achieve.

Ingredients to Look for in a Tanning Lotion

Tanning lotions that give the best results do a few things well. First, they intensify the time in the tanning bed and give individuals a deeper, richer tan. Second, they contain ingredients that protect the skin from damage. Finally, the best tanning lotions also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and add in a lot of moisture. That’s a lot to ask from one single product, but the best tanning lotions can actually deliver.

Look for tanning lotions that include anti-aging ingredients like black tea extracts and Acai Berry. Hemp seed and argan oils as well as cocoa and shea butters are incredibly moisturizing. Tan activators like caffeine and green tea are also great ingredients to look for in a tanning lotion.

Types of Tanning Lotions

Most tanning lotions that are used in tanning beds have a type of bronzer as the active ingredient. These lotions may be labelled as bronzers, accelerators, or maximizers. The ingredients in these lotions cause the skin to achieve the deep, dark tan that many people are looking for. Lotions that are labelled “tinglers” or “hot action” generally contain ingredients that increase the blood flow to the surface of the skin which enhances the tanning process. Not everyone loves using these products because of the sensation they cause on the skin.

Facial bronzers are formulated specifically for the delicate skin on the face. They have specialized moisturizing and anti-aging ingredients that create a beautiful, healthy glow without damaging this sensitive skin.

Some people find that achieving a deep tan on their legs is difficult. Leg bronzers are formulated specifically to target this hard-to-tan area. These products also usually include ingredients that help to reduce the appearance of cellulite and ingredients that inhibit hair re-growth to keep legs smooth and beautiful.

Sunless bronzing sprays are not really tanning lotions, but they are useful to extend the period between tanning salon appointments. These sprays darken the skin without the need for a tanning bed. Many people use sunless bronzing sprays to maintain a deep, dark tan, even if it has been some time since their last tanning bed appointment.

Importance of Tanning Lotions

Tanning lotions are incredibly important to achieving the best results in a tanning bed. These lotions are made specifically to help the skin tan faster. Tanning can dry out the skin and these lotions help to counteract that. They also improve the general look of the skin by adding beneficial anti-aging ingredients to tone and tighten. Some tanning lotions can be used between tanning appointments to maintain a healthy glow.

Always remember to check the ingredients for moisturizing and anti-aging elements and choose the best type of tanning lotion for the desired results. Some people might have to try a few different types of lotions before they find the one that is perfect for their own unique skin.